Wednesday, December 31, 2008

An introduction, a new beginning!

I went and deleted the previous posts on this blog. They were terribly written, and had no format. Besides, I need a proper intro post!

I'm Serenity. I'm a J-music addict, currently starting my second year of Japanese at university. My home is little old New Zealand, and my guilty pleasures are H!P and the Johnnys, though my all time favourite singer is Gackt. ....*hearts*

This blog will probably just be me rambling about whatever I feel like. Which will probably be me ranting about Tsunku and the actions of his creations. XD Because somehow I get more passionate about them than anything else. (An Idol effect, perhaps?)

So. I hope someone finds my blog, and I begin to have people to write to! ^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...